I’m Patience.

I am an educator, coach, artist, and advocate. I also claim the title of wife, mom, friend, and dog mom.

I’ve spent the last 25 years in education as a special education teacher, instructional coach, technology coach, and currently serve as the Instructional Technology Coordinator for a suburban Chicago school district. I am passionate about creating engaging educational environments that allow all students to reach their potential. Technology is a tool that helps enhance education, but will never replace the expertise of a teacher. The pandemic gave us the opportunity to change education for the better, but we now find ourselves trying to make things back to the way that they were.

In 2019, I found myself in the beginning stages of burnout, but I had no idea. By the spring of 2020, I was deep into burnout and it was impacting my health and my relationships. I was ready to walk away from education completely. I was fortunate to have the ability to take an extended leave that allowed me to rest and reflect on where I wanted to go next. I chose to leave the district after 20 years and started looking for new opportunities to put my expertise to good use. I was fortunate to land in another school district in a brand new leadership position. I ended up right where I was supposed to be!

I knew that it wasn’t just about finding a new job. I needed to make some big changes to make sure I didn’t lose myself again.

I’ve always had a creative soul. It is part of who I am. But it was a part of myself that I was ignoring.

As I started to work through my burnout recovery, I started reading and researching about stress, burnout, and anxiety. Time and time again, I discovered the link between creativity and managing these difficult emotions. I started to make creativity a part of my daily life, and I started to begin to find myself again. It is a work in progress. Working full-time with a daily commute has definitely made things challenging.

As a coach and workshop facilitator, I am focused on supporting you as you find your creative side and create new routines that allow you to find joy and balance in your life.

As an educator, I am focused on ensuring our classrooms are creative spaces where students can thrive and be prepared to live in our global world.

As an artist, I strive to create things that bring joy to others. I specialize in custom greeting cards, altered canvases, and digital designs.

As an advocate, I am passionate about creating a world that honors everyone. I am doing the work to be anti-racist and promote social justice. I’m an advocate for children and adults with disabilities.

As a wife, mom, and friend, I want the world to be a kinder, brighter, and joyful place to be.

I look forward to working with you!