
What if we believe that everyone is doing their Best?

I am a huge fan of Brené Brown.  I’ve read just about everything she has put out and am an avid listener of her podcasts.  Listening to those podcasts was my saving grace as I learned to deal with a longer commute and even more so during some winter weather one morning. I can relate to so much of her work, and I truly appreciate her honesty and vulnerability.   I was saddened to learn that her final podcast episodes aired this week but listened to both with deep admiration.  

The final episodes of Unlocking Us are a two-part series about living big.  When I read the title, I was excited to listen. Without giving it all away, I will say that  I quickly realized that this was not quite what I expected the podcast to be about.  I highly recommend listening to both episodes.

What struck me more than anything though… was this question.  She shared her journey with this question and I found myself being incredibly reflective. What if we really did believe that everyone is doing their best given the skills and abilities that they have at the time? 

In just one day, this question made me shift the way I interacted with a colleague, made me reflect on other dynamics in my life, and made me really start thinking about this idea. 

What if I stopped and gave grace to others?  What if I assumed that everyone is really doing the best that they can with the skills and abilities that they have? 

Here’s the thing:  Everyone means everyone.  That means we also have to believe of ourselves.  Whew, that’s a tough one for me as a struggling perfectionist and people pleaser. 

Here’s where the living big comes in.  Living BIG is an acronym to guide one into really living into the notion that everyone is doing the best that they can.  

B: Boundaries.  What boundaries do you need to have in place to protect your space, time, and self?

I: Integrity. How do you make sure that you are living your values and keeping your integrity? 

G: Generosity.  How can you be generous to others and really believe that they are truly doing the very best that they can?  How can you give of yourself while honoring your boundaries and integrity? 

I know that for me to be my best, I need to create.  I need to set the time and space that is sacred for that.  I need to fill my own cup so that I can see the good in others.  I have to be true to who I am as a wife, mother, educator, and friend.  But I also have to be true to who I am as ME.  

Does this resonate with you?  I know that I will be pondering this for the next several months and would love to chat with others!  Leave a comment below!

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