Before I jump into this year’s word, I thought I would share some of the words I’ve used in the past seven years.
2016: Joy
2017: Grace
2018: Magic
2019: Create
2020: Thrive (shifted into survive!)
2021: Leap
2022: Curate
Some years finding the right word is challenging. This year’s word came easy. It almost felt too easy and I almost decided it wasn’t the right one.
But it was perfect.
The word I chose for 2023 is BE.
Most of my words have been active words and have driven me to move and grow. While I still intend to do both this year, I also know that what I need more than anything is to simply BE.
For me that means being in the moment and trying really hard to be present. Often my brain is racing and my anxiety takes over. In the past two years, I have worked to manage my anxiety, and I feel I am finally at the place where I can work intentionally on quieting the constant chatter.
BE also plays a central role in my intentions for 2023. My intentions center around my four priorities:
Be Healthy
Be Present with Chris & Quinn
Be Curious
Be Creative
I am excited about this journey for 2023. I am feeling energized and excited about taking on the challenges of this new year. Excited to share this adventure with all of you!